I feel so unburdened now, so liberated. I feel in control of my environment. I feel like I can maintain this. In fact, I have.
So let me tell you a bit about this journey.
Entire families live in houses the size of mine or smaller. So how is it that I had no extra storage capacity? It was a couple of things: as I said in my original post on the Urge to Purge, part of it was laziness and part of it was a sentimental attachment to things that didn't need it. But one key thing is that I think you have to be in the right headspace to take on this type of effort. Now, I wasn't a hoarder. I just had too much stuff, and was holding on to things I didn't need. But it was overwhelming to get started on clearing it all out. It seemed like too big of a job to start.
But earlier in the year, I got my finances in order, then I worked with a life coach and got my priorities in order. I think getting my environment in order was the natural next step.
I worked with Suellen from Creative Order (http://www.creativeorder.com). Our first meeting, she walked through the house with me, and listened to my goals. We talked about a plan of attack, and agreed to 4 sessions about 4 hours each. I secretly wondered if that would be enough. But it was. We worked through the house room by room. The first thing we tackled was the master bedroom closets. Remember the "Monica Closet" from Friends? Picture that times two. Or three.
But we did it. Here's what they look like now:
The best thing is that since we've done this, I've hung up or returned to the proper drawer or put in the laundry hamper each piece of clothing that comes of off me. No more piling things at the foot of the bed, or tossing onto the closet floor when I'm in a hurry.
And the guest closet, where the Halloween and Christmas decorations, wrapping paper, and luggage are stored? It used to be so full that when I had guests, they couldn't actually hang clothes in the closet. Now?
The other thing is simple storage. Items I need on occasion but not all the time. I needed an easy, but out of the way place to keep them, and keep them organized. The solution? A re-purposed over-the-door shoe rack:
One of the best things about this effort was the amount of stuff I was able to donate and, for stuff that couldn't be donated, throw out. See these bins? They all used to be filled with STUFF. And now they aren't. In fact, they are ready for donation.
That's eleven bins, if you're wondering.
So, like I said, I feel so free now. I feel organized. I know easily where things are. It is easy to keep things in control because nothing is out of control. It's expanded into other areas. I've ruthlessly cleaned out and reorganized drawers. I'm much more discriminating in what I buy, because I realize that now that I know where everything is, I don't really need anything.
Overall, I still think my house is comfortable. You could come in and make yourself at home. It isn't so perfect that you're afraid to touch anything. But there's no embarrassment for an overfilled storage bin or too many magazines piled on the coffee table. They're dropped off for recycling at a local school once a month now.
Suellen was great. Non-judgemental, supportive, full of ideas, and respectful of my unique style. I'm so glad I did this, and wouldn't hesitate to recommend hiring someone to anyone with organizational challenges.
To wrap up, I'm going to share with you a list of ten things, in no particular order, that I've discovered I don't need any time soon. I have enough of them, and I know where they are:
1) Jeans
2) T-shirts
3) Purses
4) Knickers
5) Shoes
6) Boots
7) Bath soaps
8) Exercise clothes
9) Socks
10) Linens